Sunday, December 29, 2019

Think Before You Ink - 1250 Words

Think Before You Ink 1. It is clear from the start of this article that Simon Mills is trying to persuade his readers of the pointlessness of Tattoos. Straight away Mills makes his negativity on the topic clear as describing many celebrity tattoos as being ‘badly drawn cod-philosophical/fauxtribal/cloyingly sentimental illustrations’. He goes on to describe celebrities Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse as being ‘aspirational figureheads’ clearly employing sarcasm and in fact, most likely suggesting the exact opposite. We see the writer constantly give his, clearly, biased opinion about his dislike of tattoos, at one point simply referring to them as an ‘all-pain-no-gain, self-conflicted suffering. 2. Throughout the article, the writer†¦show more content†¦Victoria Beckham was the writer’s next victim, however her tattoos were not quite as easy to belittle as they represented her children’s birth dates, and at least hold some meaning. He does however point out that of course he doubts Victoria Beckham can read in Hebrew, Latin or Roman numerals which her tattoos are inked in, concluding with asking the question ‘why does she feel the need to cover herself in ciphers and foreign languages?’. While touching on Victoria Beckhams slightly more meaningful tattoos, the writer uses that to launch into his next argument about why we feel the need to have relatives or family members tattooed onto us. 4. List Bathurst seems to be slightly less against tattoos than that of Simon Mills, however she still advises caution. She tells us she would very supportive of a rock start getting tattoos, suggesting she still associates a more possibly rebel type status them. For everyone else though, while they might be, in her opinion, ‘sexy and cool’ one day, she reminds us that in the future it ‘might not look so good’. This links with the words Simon Mills gives us towards the end of the article, however he has a slightly different approach. He attempts to get us to focus less on what the tattoo might look like in the future, as he tells us ‘much better to think about what your beautiful, clean, firm and healthy bodyShow MoreRelatedFor Centuries, Ink On Skin Has Been A Synonym For Social1060 Words   |  5 PagesFor centuries, ink on skin has been a synonym for social markers, group identity, and perpetration of traditions. Tattoos in the past were a permanen t hallmark--a stamp of authenticity and a mark of permanent fidelity to a cause, a group, or to an identity. They were a loud statement of culture and belonging. They served as amulets, symbols, and religious traditions. However, nowadays, tattoos seem just the product of a capricious and vain pop culture. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Management And Organizational Behavior Mgmt 501 Essay

Management and Organizational Behavior MGMT 501 Case Assignment Module 2 Laarni Larkin Trident University International Dr. Frank Nolan November 5, 2016 Abstract This paper will discuss the case study of the Strident Property Services as they struggled with the management changes, the internal issues, and the failure to recognize the issues which lead to the selling of the company. The Johari Window model will be utilized to evaluate the communication and lack thereof which contributed to the failure of the company. Johari Model and Strident Property Services The Johari Model is a communication model that is used to improve understanding between individuals, (The Johari Model, 2015). It was developed in 1955. There are two key ideas that structure the tool, 1) You can build trust with others by disclosing information about yourself, 2) With help from feedback from others, you can learn about yourself and come to terms with personal issues. The idea is to share some personal (but not too personal) things about yourself to build a relationship with others. They will in turn do the same. When people build trusting relationships, those relationships become stronger, personal and professional. There are four quadrants in the Johari Window, 1) Open area – this represents the things you know about yourself and the things others know about you, 2) Blind area – this represents what you are not aware of about yourself but others know, 3) Hidden area - this represents what you knowShow MoreRelatedKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk6406 Words   |   26 PagesAutomotive Engineering Advising Document Master of Engineering in Automotive Engineering CURRICULUM Systems Engineering Core Engineering Electives Management and Human Factors Automotive Engineering Seminar and Capstone Project TOTAL PROGRAM: Semester Credit 9 9 6 6 30 The M. Eng. Degree in Automotive Engineering requires a total of 30 credits—27 of which must be letter (A-E) graded. A minimum grade point average of 5.0/9.0 (â€Å"B† average) is required for graduation. Of the 30 credit hours, 24Read MoreTeaching Notes Robert Grant - Strategy 4th Edition51665 Words   |  207 Pages21 2 Laura Ashley Holdings plc: The Battle for Survival 26 3 The US Airline Industry in 2002 33 4 DaimlerChrysler and the World Automobile Industry 41 5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc., May 2002 49 6 Eastman Kodak: Meeting the Digital Challenge 62 7 Organizational Restructuring within the Royal Dutch/Shell Group 70 8 Harley-Davidson, Inc., January 2001 77 9 Online Broking Strategies: Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab and E*Trade 83 10 11 12 Emi and the CT Scanner [A] [B] 88 Rivalry in Video Games 98 BirdsRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pages Cross Reference of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Concepts to Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule ResourceRead MoreDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words   |  68 PagesAdministration University of Virginia Candidate for Master of Business Administration, May 2011 ï‚ · Awarded Batten Innovation Scholarship (merit-based full tuition scholarship); ï‚ · GMAT: 730; AWA: 5.5 ï‚ · Member of Finance Club, Energy Club and Darden Capital Management Club Charlottesville, VA Nanyang Technological University Singapore Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and Minor in Business, June 2006 ï‚ · Awarded full scholarship (among top 50 from over 10,000 candidates) ï‚ · Received First Class Honors

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Job Description and Persons Specification HRM

Question: Discuss about the Job Description and Persons Specification for HRM? Answer: Introduction Firstly this report will define Job Description and Persons Specification. This will be designed for the position of a Receptionist at the Hilton hotel. Similarly, the impact of the recent Legislation on the entire Recruitment and Selection process will be analyzed. Furthermore, discussion, evaluation and the Authors contributions in the selection process will be critically analysed. The skills and attributes which should be possessed by the leader will also be discussed. In addition, the difference between management and leadership will also be discussed. The importance of Teamwork in general and particularly for the Hilton Hotels will also be assessed. Moreover, in this paper the Personal Development Plan for a colleague will also be discussed that will identify the skills and knowledge which have to be developed in this individual. Definition Of Job Description Job Description is a professional information of a specific position in an organisation that highlights summary of the duties and responsibilities of the requisite Post, Performance Criteria and Working Conditions (Torrington Hill, 1995). Definition of person specification. A persons specification is an addressed layout of particular desired requirements of an individual candidate applying for that peculiar job in relation to their education, qualification, experience and attributes in order for him/her to execute or discharge their job satisfactorily (Beardwell, 2003). Rogers 7 Point Plan was used as a guidance to develop the content of the below Persons Specification. Job Description Job Title Receptionist Reports to Hotel Manager Job Objective To deliver friendly customer service and to create a pleasant atmosphere for all the guests, with key aim of attracting and retaining the new customers. Main responsibilities Delivering outstanding customer service. Keeping the hotel reception area neat and clean. Dealing with all the enquiries in a courteous and professional manner either by telephone, via email or in person. Administration of all the reservations and cancellation in line with the policy of the hotel. Possessing up to date information of the current promotions and hotel pricing. Fulfilling all the reasonable requests of the guests in order to provide them comfort, safety and happiness Conducting regular security checks all the time and reporting the security issues to the line managers. Reporting the maintenance issues to the line managers immediately. Providing the reports for the management and the housekeepers. In case of emergency, responsible for evacuation. Carrying the instructions received by the management team and the head office. Contributing in the team meetings. Area of Work Reception Contract Subject to change after 3 months probation. Working Hours Flexible Working Hours with shift Patterns. 1. Day - 7:30Hrs 2. Night - 12Hrs 3. Twilight - 7:30Hrs Budget Responsibility Stationery Internal Phone Calls External Phone Calls. Person Specification Qualifications 3 GCSEs or equivalent Experience Experience of working in a busy hotel reception environment. Experience of working to deadlines. Experience of working with confidential information. Skills Essential Skills Organisational Skills Possesses basic computer skills. Record keeping Skills Effective Communication Skills Knowledge of basic Numeric Skills. Excellent Oral and Written Communication Skills. Desirable Skills: Excellent listening Skills Efficient in Customer care Understanding of good customer service. Personal Attributes Ability to communicate and empathise with a diverse group of individuals. Ability to work under pressure. Maintaining good working relationship with customers and colleagues at all the levels. Adaptable to change. Possessing an ability to complete both the .routine and non routine tasks. Ability to work in a team and support the colleagues. Essential Requirements. Must have a proof of working in the UK. Must be able to converse in English. Possess a UK bank account. Have a fixed place of residence and live within a reasonable travelling from the hotel. Must be willing to work at different locations. Impact of Recent Legislation on Recruitment and Selection Definition Of Recruitment Recruitment is the process of advertising and selecting candidates for a specific Job role after Successful completion of an interview (Beardwell, 2003). Selection The candidates were selected based on the recruitment criteria that had been introduced by me. The candidates then were screened and transitioned for the purpose of job training. (Mullins, 2005). Employment legislation. Employment Legislation is a Law passed by the government to regulate Employers and Employees to operate in a fair and equitable environment for Business to thrive (Legislation, 2014). Equality Act 2010 laid out the requisite legalities for Employment to recruit and select in regard to Equal opportunity and Diversity Policies enshrined in it. I had abided by the laws while the recruitment of new employees. Equal Opportunity is giving all and sundry an equitable privilege, benefit, chance and fairness in all facets of employment. The equality Act 2010 provides legal protection to the people in the workplace and in the wider society (Daniels, 2012). This act replaced all the previous anti-discrimination laws with a single act. This act has created a framework with ease for many professionals who could now understand all the legal provisions regarding the employees. This act has also strengthened the protection for the different employees. Furthermore, this law has defined various ways in which the treatment to others can be considered as unlawful. Before this act, there were several pieces of legislation which covered discrimination. These included the Sex discrimination Act 1975, Race relations Act 1976 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995(Daniels, 2012). After the passage of The Equality Act 2010, now there are two ways in which the complaints about the unlawful treatment can be handled depending on what happened. The complaints before October, 2010 will not be dealt according to the Equality Act. However, the complaints after the October 2010 will be dealt according to Equality act 2010. Many provisions have been included in this Act which deals with the On-the-Job Discrimination, Discrimination in the process of Recruitment and Selection and Equal Pay Act. Since Hilton Hotel is a Global Organization, ethical consideration were and is given to all applicants in order to reflect a Free and Fair Selection. This act demanded that the Equal opportunities should be provided to all individuals irrespective and regardless of their gender, religion, race, sexual orientation and ethnic background. Therefore, for the job of the Receptionist as myself, the application were received from all the individuals irrespective of their culture creed, religion and ethnic background. Similarly, the entire Recruitment and Selection process of Hilton hotel had been fair and only the best candidate that fulfilled all the requirements of the job were selected for the job. In the entire recruitment and selection process, right from the documentation of the job description and persons specification and final selection of the employee there had not been a single instance which might indicate that the company had indulged in any discriminatory practices. If Hilton Hotels discriminated against any individual during the recruitment and selection process, the Equality Act 2010 empowered the individual to file a suit (Tort) against it. Therefore, it had been pertinent that all the provisions of the New Act must be reviewed and properly incorporated in the Recruitment and Selection of the Receptionist had been observed to save Hilton from Expensive legal cost. Contribution made in the Selection Process As the HR Manager, the following processes had been selected in order to ensure that the Selection process was fair and Ethical. First phase of creating the Job Description and Persons Specification and afterwards the application form for candidates. This was to make sure that applicants were fully aware of the requirements and had taken the Government Employment legislation into consideration. The main job and the primary responsibility of the HR manager are related to the selection procedure as the suitable selection process leads an effective branding and retention of talented employees. I as a HR manager included different senior staffs and other employees in the selection process. So the selection process was conducted by me manager in the following way. The post was for the Seasoned Receptionist so one of the requirement criteria must be the effective communication skills. So for this a round of group discussion and personal interview was conducted by me. It was just a primary interview in order to shortlist the candidates and some basic questions were asked. All these questions were prepared by me with the help of my subordinates. After this process the next process was the written test to ascertain the numeracy and literacy skills of the candidate. The last process was the stress interview that was conducted by me and a panel of five members. The purpose of this pro cess was to judge the ability of the candidate in a stressful situation. In this process the specific skills of the individual candidates was monitored. Moreover, in the last stage I selected the candidates and instructed my team to do the necessary field work. Reflective account to evaluate the contributions made in the selection process as the HR manager My contribution had been credited to the different stages of the selection process. Initially I used the organizational analysis to diagnose the roles and responsibilities of each of the vacant job and develop the job description of each of the job in accordance to the job responsibilities. In that, respect I being the HR manager had conducted the recruitment and selection process in the organization as per the Equality Act 2010. During the recruitment process, I have evaluated the knowledge and skills of each of the candidates. The selection process had been based on two methods, first had been the written test and the second part had been interview (either telephonic or face-face-face interview) Previously, our selection process was a four step process which started with an introductory interview, then the aptitude test (which included reasoning and quantitative aptitude test) and finally to the written test and face-to-face interview. This year I decided to remove the first two steps and carried out the written test from where the selected candidates will go to the interview. From there we had selected new employees for our organization and assign the right person to the right job. I strongly believe that my new initiative had helped to reduce the time and cost incurred in the entire recruitment and selection process, without making any compromise in the quality of selection. Another action, which I ensured in the selection process, was to maintain proper gender diversity and facilitate the recruitment of disabled candidates for the post of receptionist job. This had enabled to promote the company as an Equal Opportunity Employer as well as avoid being labeled as Discrimina tive Recruiter and comply with Disability Discrimination Act, 1995. Skills and Attributes Required for Leadership Skills are the acquired technical knowhow of a particular vocation that an individual possesses whiles Attributes are the inborn traits of an individual that qualifies him as a unique Person (Reichard Johnson, 2011). Leadership is considered as the combination of character and strategy. There are many important skills and attributes, which should be possessed by the leaders. Therefore Leadership is an individual ability and capability to steer the vision of a group of people with a common Goal and Aspiration with a Unique Charisma, Drive, Wisdom, Direction, Knowledge, Skill and Power to Persuade, Sustain, Control and Manage their vision (Smith, 2014). However, the important Skills and Attributes, which are required for Leadership, are namely Passion, Communication, Commitment to Staff, Traits Theory, Emotional Intelligence and Extrovert. Passion All the great leaders have passion for their work and they attach a lot of importance to it. They share the same enthusiasm and passion with the employees in order to make them more productive(Kemp et al. 2004). The leaders for their work also praise the employees. The leaders possess a vision, which they want to be followed by their subordinates. The leaders are also passionate about assigning different roles to their followers. They do not only assign the roles to their subordinates but also provide them complete guidance for their attainment as well. Communication The leaders also possess incredible communication skills. They communicate in an effective manner with both the upper and lower level staff. They explain the tasks and projects to the staff in an efficient manner (Riggio, 2013). Communication is a two way process and the leaders do not only communicate their ideas to the staff but they also carefully listen to the ideas of the other individuals. Effective Communication helps to updates the leaders about changes in every single Project created (Day, 2014). With the help of the excellent and exceptional communication skills, the leaders inspire their Team members. Even the most difficult tasks are communicated to the staff in such a way that it becomes easy for them (Riggio, 2013). Moreover, the leaders also try to listen to the queries of their staff and try to resolve them .The leaders do not only inspire their subordinates but they also inspire the upper level management with their excellent Communication skills (Zaccaro., Kemp, Ba der,2004). Commitment to Staff Great leaders are aware of the fact that success cannot be achieved without the assistance of the employees. Therefore, they show complete confidence in the abilities of their staff. Furthermore, they also provide them Essential Training (Zaccaro et al. 2004). The training is not only provided to enhance their Professional Skills but also their Personal Skill as well. The Development of Personal and Professional Skills prove to be very helpful for the Employees and help them in attaining their goals and boost their Confidence (Wheatley, 2011). The leaders also try to treat all of their Employees equally and they do not discriminate among the employees. The leaders do not give the Preferential Treatment to their Employees (Northouse, 2012). In this way, the leaders win the hearts of the employees and are believed that their commitment towards work increases to greater extent. Traits Theoryis an exceptional theory which seeks to identify the innate qualities of an individual that makes him/her unique as a leader. This includes Personality, Social, Physical, or intellectual traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. The specified traits can be Extroversion, Conscientiousness, Openness, Emotional Intelligence and Empathy. They can be more dependent on the inborn qualities. These are the precursors of leadership (Northouse, 2012). CEO Conrad Hilton is a transformational leader with key traits of determination, visionary, risk taker, tenaciousness, dedication, energetic, caring, conscientiousness, motivation, persistent and ambitious (Hospitality Leaders, 2014). Emotional Intelligence as a trait of leadership in relation to boosting Hilton overall performance is highly crucial. This is the endowed ability to understand and feel for individuals in various aspects of their circumstances as their situation unfolds. It extends to the area of application in terms of helping with that particular situation to resolve issues (Mullins, 2005). This is because if a leader has the above trait and working with Hilton, it will boost Staff confidence, boost Individual Performance and enhance Profitability of Hilton. Simply because that leader with that trait radiates some holistic energy that resounds and appeal to colleagues and customers which signifies solution to all issues at work (Dulewicz Higgs, 1998). Extroverts can be an asset to Hilton because they are outgoing and at the same time caring. Working with Hilton and possessing this trait can assist client and customer relation thereby building rapport that nurture client loyalty. This enhances and maximizes profits if clients that are more loyal are recruited through the amazing hands of an extrovert Leader. Difference between Leadership and Management A leader is Person who possesses a vision, drive and commitment to achieve that vision. A leader leads, motivates and inspires his people and he sets a path, which is readily followed by his followers (Vaccaro, 2012). Both leadership and management must go hand in hand in the organization but there are many differences between the Leaders and the Managers. The essential job of the leader is to Motivate and Inspire the people. On the contrary, the job of the Manager is to Plan,Organize and Coordinate. The manager usually Administers Task and the Leader is involved in Innovation. The focus of the Manager is on the Structures and Systems whereas the focus of the Leaders is on the People. Furthermore, Leader possesa long range views whereas Managers possess the short range view. The Manager accepts the Status Quo and it is challenged by the Leader. Moreover, the Managers Job is to Enforce rules whereas the leaders establish Strategies (Northouse, 2012). Differences In Leadership Management Leadership Management Direct Team - 1. Develop a vision 2. Envisage Clarity Share 3. Establish Strategies. Plan Budget 1. Design Agendas 2. Draw Timetables Deadlines 3. Allocation of relevant Resource Putting Subordinates in Perspective 1. Disseminate Goals Objectives 2. Commitment Prospecting 3. Team Building and Coerciveness Recruitment (Staffing) Organization. 1. Provision of clear Structure 2.Allocate job roles to departments 3. Enforce design rules, Procedures, Guidelines and Policies. Inspiration Motivation 1. Encourage mobilize 2. Subjects Delegation 3. Needs should be met Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving and Control 1. Create and design incentives 2. Develop practical and innovative solutions 3.Take appropriate and constructive Action Team Direction Team direction in leadership in Hilton is always a good skill that Management seeks to develop a concise and specific vision with clarity of the bigger picture and designed strategies for implementation and success empowered by the CEO Conrad Hilton who uses Laissez-faire and believes in hiring capable Managers with similar traits of Leadership. One such Example of a strategy that has been implemented is in area of Hilton Honors Membership that aims at maximizing profits in terms of according members with Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond membership depending on the customers Loyalty (Hilton, 2014). Management therefore Coordinate Planning and budgeting in Hilton that inculcate the designation of Agendas for a specific period with inclusive timetable and deadlines for subordinates to follow, i.e. making sure that all rooms are cleaned and ready by 3pm check-intime. Before the arrival of the guests it should be ensured relevant resources like dispensing toiletries and drinks are allocated to the rooms, bars and restaurant respectively as per the need and requirements of the guests. Assessment of benefit of teamwork for Hilton There is great importance of the teamwork. All the difficult tasks in an organization can be performed with relative ease in the organization with the help of the Team. There are many members in the team and each one of them has different Skills and Attributes (Tohidi, 2011). All these Skills and Attributes of the people are joined together in the team, which increases the overall Productivity and Performance of the Team. The Team can also achieve its Targets more efficiently as compared to the individual employees (Northouse, 2012). There are different minds working on one issue in a team, which is not possible for immediate Solution when dealt by an Individual. The Team is more focused on attaining the specific goals as compared to the individuals. There are many benefits of Teamwork for the Hilton hotels. Teams always improve the efficiency of Performance of Staff. Similarly, the most difficult tasks can be accomplished with the help of Teams (Dettmer et al. 2012). Teams are very effective in its Function. The joint and organized efforts of the team members will produce favorable results for the organization as compared to the individual employees. Every Team member has unique qualities and traits, which can be used for attaining the same Objective and Goal. Teamwork enhances Productivity, Quality of Service, Innovation, Employee Motivation and Commitment, Overall and Individual Performance and create Job Satisfaction. In terms of assessing the benefits of Team Work for Hilton, it can be stated that it results in Psychological affiliation of the Team Members, which is to do with generating emotionally and psychologically inclined relationship to other teams or group members. There is the prospect of Integrated Intimacy that is the attachment formed through Task and Activity. All the above factors constitute Positive aspects of Teamwork that improves Effectiveness, Efficiency and Performance. Highly motivated, loyal and fully committed staff of Hilton positively enhances customer service thereby maximizing Hiltons profits. Although few individual employees who have the wrong attitude create intermittent issues for staff and customers at Hilton especially dealing with specific task of serving from bar, restaurant and room service. Due to the nature of Hilton management, we employ without prejudice and this sometimes creates rift between groups of people, but the overall benefit of Teamwork overrides all the negatives. There are many Leadership styles, which vary from organization to organization. Some of the important Leadership styles include Autocratic, Bureaucratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire (Turkvant et al. 2012). The leadership styles in an organization are influenced by both the leader and the team members, as discussed in 2.3. The most suitable leadership style should always be the democratic style for Hilton, but when it will face some difficult situation then it is desirable to change the style of leadership as per the requirement. At the time of conflict, a leader should be an Autocrat, a delegator or a pacesetter. When the events are changing very rapidly then it should not be the proper time to wait for the papers and then change the decisions. For that type of difficult situation or crisis, the autocratic leadership style will be more suitable as it needs a proper control and direction immediately. Sometimes changes are coming very fast and it is not possible for a single person to keep on the top of them. At that point, of time the leader should have represented his delegation power to the best-suited person, so he must follow the role of a delegator. The pacesetter leadership style should be followed when the morale between the employees are very low. In this case an effective leader should push his team in the difficult situation in order to ensure the goal of the organization (Turkvantetal, 2012). As discussed in 2.3, the Autocratic Leaders take all the decisions pertaining to the Organization and in some way force the employees to comply with any new change like introduction of new technology in the company, which may decrease the workforce of the company. The downside of Autocratic is if there is Conflict, Poor Time Keeping, Missing Deadlines and one person that can seriously affect the day-to-day running of the business only takes attitude problems of Employees, decisions. This can have effect on Profitability. Contrarily, the Bureaucratic Leaders relies mainly on rules and regulations. The Democratic Leaders are the opposite of the Autocratic Leaders and they share responsibility with their followers. I personally prefer democratic leader because it will help me carry out my work effectively both as a leader and team member. The Leaders following the Laissez-Faire style of leadership will give some of their Control and Delegate the authority as well. In order to improve the Performance of the Reception Team, Democratic style of Leadership will be suitable and is applied when the organization is making any new changes in the organization and making the employees participate in the entire change process( Cleveland et al. 2012). The complaints of the customers and poor time keeping can be addressed by communicating that with the employees. As a Democratic Leader, I instead of taking all the decisions myself will consult with other team members and will look into the reasons of their underperformance by involving them in the process through effective Communication. After listening to the views of the Employees a Joint Strategy will be evolved by me in order to deal with the Underperformance of the Employees. This Style of Leadership will produce favorable results for the organization. The Employees will feel comfortable with this attitude and they will put more efforts in order to improve their Performance. However, if any employee is found in serious violation of his Job Responsibilities then he will be penalized and disciplined and an example will be set for the other employees. Although this leadership style is not much liked by the team members but is liked by the leaders (Turkyant et al. 2012). The specific leadership approach that was considered by me is the directive and achievement oriented approach. This approach is the best approach that was implemented by me when there was a chaos a in the working environment regarding the roles and functions of my subordinates. The directive approach enabled me to guide the subordinates regarding the tasks that they need to perform and the functions that they need to implement. The achievement oriented approach of leadership enabled me to instill in the minds of the subordinates that they need to perform well. In one situation the subordinates were underperforming and were not motivated to work. Hence most of the employees were quitting. I being the HR manager have to play the role of employees retention and so I introduced high work related aspirations and goal attainments through the rewards and recognition. Thus, the leader must consult with the employees (team members) for their Poor Performance instead of imposing any decision on them. With the help of the Employee consultation, their real issues that are affecting their Performance can be known and addressed. Cautiously, a similar Strategy can be devised, that will prevent Underperformance of employees (Dyer etal, 2013). Review of the Effectiveness of the Team Team effectiveness model can be applied to assess the performance of the team. In such cases regular feedback from the team members plays an important role in increasing the effectiveness of the team. The factors currently contributing to the effectiveness of the team within Palms Holiday have been reviewed below. Size of the team Size of the team plays an important role in improving the performance of the team in Palms Holiday. A minimum size of the team is required to achieve the objectives and goals of the team. It results in the right concoction of the skills and the talents of the members. It becomes difficult to manage a team with large size. The skills and the talents of the individual members cannot be applied in an effective manner. Thus, a small team size of the team, make the team more focused and the team effectiveness enhances. Open communication Open form of communication between the members of the team and team leader makes the team more effective. The diverse views and ideas of the team members are valued. This provides encouragement to the team members and increases the effectiveness of the team in Palms Holiday. Feedback from the team members The team effectiveness has improved over the time with regular feedback from the team members. The feedback from the team leader about the team members has resulted in improvement of the team effectiveness. Monitoring the team on a regular basis has resulted in identification of factors that inhibits the performance of the team. The feedback come from the members help to judge the actual position of the team and it also give them an opportunity to overcome the barriers that the team may face. The team members have to work on the issues and likewise it will result in the improvement of performance. This in turn has helped to improve the performance of the entire team and get the desired result for Palms Holiday. The employee feedback is taken by using face-to-face interviews and questionnaires which helps to evaluate the team effectiveness in Palms Holiday. Managing Conflict through effective leadership Team effectiveness is also dependent on managing conflict between the team (Reichard, Johnson, 2011). If there is conflict between the team members regarding clear team objectives then the team will fail to achieve the desired organizational goals. An effective leader can guide the entire team to work together and fulfill the goals in a timely manner. Thus, managing conflict in Palms Holiday by adopting appropriate leadership styles have improved the effectiveness of the team. Motivating the Reception Team to Improve their performance There are different Theories of Motivation which can be used to motivate the employees in an Organization. The two factor theory was proposed by Herzberg; According to him there are two kinds of factors that affect Motivation. These include the Hygiene Factors and Motivators (Maslow, 1987). Hygiene factors The hygiene factors are those factors whose absence motivates but their presence has no perceived effect. They are such things when taken away the people become dissatisfied and try to get them back. The examples of these factors on the Organization Level include Job security, Pay, Decent Working Conditions, Company Policies and Interpersonal Relationships. All these factors are not of any imperative importance to necessity and are therefore placed at lower level in the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Dayetal, 2014). Motivators Motivators are the person who motivates the entire team. The absence of these Factors does not cause any Dissatisfaction among the Employees but it simply fails to Motivate. The examples of these factors include the intrinsic motivators, which are placed at the top of the Maslows hierarchy (Maslow, 1987). Some of the examples of these factors are Self-Esteem, Confidence, Sense of Achievement, Respect from others, Morality and Creativity (Wheatley, M. 2011).As the HR Manager of the Hotel, it is necessary for me to carry out the responsibility of a motivator. The three things that could be used to enhance the Motivation of the Working Team at Hilton Hotels could include; Increasing Pay based on Periodic Performance, Appraisals that can be attributed to Abrahams Maslow Hierarchical needs that is Psychological and Basic needs like Job Security and Safety. Staff Room is Termed Social, whiles Recognizing Team members can be linked to Self Esteem, Training and Encouraging Creativity is Self Actualization. These Five Needs are important and can increase the Motivation of the Team. Increase in pay will significantly increase the Motivation of the Work Team (Torrington and Hill, 1995). However, the rise in Pay would be linked with the Performance of the Team Members. The Pay of only those who outperform other Members would be increased. The Employees require their Leader and other Team members to Respect each other. Therefore, by creating an atmosphere of Mutual Respect and Affection the Motivation as well as the Performance of the Employee can be enhanced largely. Furthermore, the Creativity should also be increased within a Team(Maslow,1987).All the team members would be encouraged to bring New and Innovative Ideas instead of sticking to the guidelines given by the management or the Leader. This strategy will prove to be very helpful in increasing the motivation of the employees (Ryan, 2012); (Manstead, 2008). Identifying development needs of individuals SWOT Analysis of the Hilton Hotels The needs identified for the Deputy Hilton HR Manager is Weak Negotiation Skills, Inability to Discharge duties under Pressure and Embracing stress on the Job. The above therefore needs to be addressed accordingly to assist the Deputy HR Manager to deal efficiently and effectively with all the mentioned areas of weakness. A SWOT analysis has been designed to resolve and enhance his Performance (Mullins, 2005). Following is the SWOT analysis of a colleague who is an Assistant HR Manager of the Hilton Hotels. The SWOT analysis is an important analysis toll, which gives the true picture and information about the Performance of an organization and the individual workers. It consists of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The strengths include the positive Skills and Attributes that are present in a Person. The weaknesses include the negative Traits that are part of a person. The opportunities and threats are considered External Influential factors to the Organization or a Person. Below is the SWOT analysis of the colleague who works in the HR department and defines his strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (Beardwell, 2003). Swot Analysis Strengths Works well in a team Good communication Skills Weaknesses Takes too much stress on the job and cannot perform well under pressure Weak negotiation skills Opportunities Can move up the hierarchy in the same department Can join the HR department of any other hotel Threats Inability to handle stress might create problems for him Too much stress on the job might affect his health Setting SMART Objectives The objectives that have been set was SMART based to be able to achieve Goals and Targets. SMART meaning Specific, Measurable, Realistic and Time bound. The aim of this process is to achieve a favourable outcome of improvement in the area of Weak Negotiation Skills and Stress on the Job. SMART is therefore a Tool of Assessment for Quantification and Performance Criteria Purposes (Vaccaro et al, 2012). Relevant training has been booked to enhance the weakness of Negotiation Skills to equip the Assistant Hilton HR Manager to execute allocated tasks effectively and efficiently. Monitoring measures was put in place to ascertain hands-on performance on the training received. Time Limit of Fortnight Review was implemented to evaluate Improvement of Performance. On this occasion Graphic Rating Scale method was used to measure Progress (Riggio,2013). Counseling was booked to take care of the stress issues. On this occasion, Behavior Observation Scale was used to measure improvement in this area of need. A time limit of Four Weeks was put in place to Monitor and Review Progress. Specific Objectives and Performance PDP. Personal Development Plan is specified objectives, action plan and an evaluation that is timely to measure the Performance of Individuals in an Organization (Mullins, 2005) There are mainly Three main Objectives which have been set in order to increase the Performance of the Individual in the Personal Development Plan Below. These three objectives have been derived from the SWOT Weaknesses. The first objective is to increase the ability of the employee to Reduce the Stress. Second objective is to Improve the Negotiation Skills of the Employees. The third objective is to Work under Pressure. All these objectives can be achieved by providing relevant training to this Employee (HMD,2013). Stress on the Job This employee will not only require Training but also support from the Top Management (Walumbwa Hartnell, 2011). The employee takes too much Stress on the Job because he is asked to finish Task within Set deadlines and Targets. However, the same amount of work can be done by other Colleagues without complains. Therefore, the stress of these Employees can be managed by allowing him Flexible Timing to meeting Deadlines. He should also be provided proper Training Enriched with relative information to overcome stress. Weekly review is Recommendable in this Situation to assess the level of Coping Mechanisms. Few Therapeutic Sessions with the Psychologist will improve the Motivation and Confidence of this Employee and overcome imminent Stress. The constant stress will not only affect the performance of this Employee but Health issues will arise. Therefore, it is pertinent that Deputy HR Manager must be provided proper training and guidance in order to increase his Motivation and Performance with Good Health and Vitality (Dettmer, etal, 2012). Weak Negotiation Skills. Deputy HR Manager usually easily accepts all the demands of other Colleagues and unable to Persuade them to Delegate appropriately due to his Weak Negotiation Skills. A senior colleague would shadow and mentor to provide essential guidance to this employee. (4.2) Personal Development Plan For Colleague. Objectives What does the employee need to be able to do differently (improve skill/ knowledge/ change behaviour)? Action How could this be done (reading, shadowing, coaching, project, formal training, other)? Success Criteria How will you check the development has been successful? Time Factor When does the employee need to do it by? Objectives Stress Management Negotiating Skills improvement Attending stress management session Shadowing senior colleague Positive feedback from employees Good feedback from negotiators In six months In 1 year Step 4 Monitoring of the Process The Performance of the Employee will be measured according to the set Objectives using rating scales and feedback received from 360 degree feedback. The performance of the individual can be measured by measuring the Performance of the different objectives that have been set for the employee. If the set objectives were properly implemented then the performance of the employee will automatically improve. On the other hand, if the set objectives are not properly implemented with relevant and Realistic Action Plan, then the Performance of the individuals will not improve (Dettmer, etal. 2012), (Tohidi, H. 2011). Internal and External Factors Many Internal and External factors were considered before the assessment of the Developmental Needs of this Individual. The External factors included the Competitive Environment of the Organization. The Internal factors comprises of Different Policies and Procedures of the Organization that were also considered. Additionally the Working Environment of the Organization and the Functioning of the Teams in an Organization were also analyzed (Walumbwa Hartwell, 2011). The other External factors include the relationship of the Leadership with their teams and the overall functioning of the HR department within the organization to different Competitors and Other Affiliated Organizations. The Internal factors included the health needs of the individual, Their Motivation and commitment towards work. Other Skills of the Employee in consideration were also analyzed. All these Internal and External factors are very important and were properly considered before developing the assessment needs of that individual. Government legislation surrounding employment is part of External factors (Dulewicz, Higgs, 1998). Some of other internal factors are the customers, which serve as a source of profit, and its suppliers who help in determine the cost. The external factors include the level of market competition and social and economic situation in the target market. Due to current Competition in the Hotel Market, organizational goals have been aligned with Employee Development and Employee Performance Goals. In doing so, relevant professional Performance standards have also been taken into consideration while assessing the development needs of the individual concerned. This is part of the standards set to deal with relevant industrial standards across board. Required competencies like Knowledge, Abilities and Capabilities with relevant Skill have also been taken into consideration when conducting this process as this outlines the skills that are important in order to perform the job effectively. Evaluation of the Success of the Assessment Process The assessment process has been considered successful because it properly identified the Skills of the employee that needed to be developed (Negotiation Skills and Coping Mechanisms for Stress at work). The Assessment process also identified the Skills and Knowledge that need to be developed but also suggested ways in which these skills can be developed. Furthermore, the assessment process was monitored in an effective way. The overall success of the assessment process depended on improving the skills of the selected Employee. Given the time frame of four weeks and going back to check on the progress, it was deemed progressively successful On the other hand, if the assessment process only identified the skills and knowledge of the employee that needed to be improved but did not take proper measures for their improvement, then the assessment process cannot be considered as successful. The assessment objectives were SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) which is also crucial for any plan to work (Beardwell, 2003). These objective were periodically reviewed and evaluated to take into account any adjustments needed. Review: To effectively and efficiently Review the above Assessment, 360 feedback was employed by interviewing customers and employers to ascertain the core issues and progress achieved so far. This was a Comprehensive report from all perspective of related groups and individuals showing progress in terms of the employees negotiation skills and stress management as well. Graphic Rating Scale, Behavior Observation Scale and Behavior Anchored Scale were employed to ascertain the core Progress of the Assessment. The above Assessment tools made the whole process successful because it was able to concentrate on exigent issues that was progressively being enhanced.. References Beardwell I. (2003)Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, 4th Ed. London, Pearson. Dulewicz, V. Higgs, M (1998). Emotional Intelligence. Harlow, Prentice Hall. Dettmer, P., Knackendoffel, A., Thurston, L. P. (2012).Collaboration, consultation, and Teamwork for students with special needs. UK, Pearson. Dyer Jr, W. G., Dyer, J. H., Dyer, W. G. (2013).Team building: Proven strategies forimproving team performance. England, John Wiley Sons. Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in Leader and leadership development. Oxford, Oxford University Press. HMD 307. (2013). Our Hospitality Leaders. 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