Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Better Understanding Of The Great Mexican By Juan Rulfo

In order to get a better understanding of the great Mexican author Juan Rulfo and his writings, one must familiarize themselves with the context of his time and the events and complex formation of Mexico. Mexico identified itself as a free nation in 1821, but did not see structural change in society until 1857 with a new Constitution influenced by Benito Juà ¡rez’s Laws of Reform. This Constitution was considered to be very liberal by the conservatives of Mexico. As a result, the War of Reform, also known as the Three Years War launched. This war caused Mexico to go bankrupt to the point that they could no longer pay the European debt. France decided to intervene in 1862 by appointing Maximilian to the new Mexican Empire, where the government would go back to being conservative, like the monarchy in France. In 1867, Juà ¡rez was able to reestablish the Republic of Mexico. Shortly after, Mexico fell under the oppression of Porfirio Dà ­az, a dictatorship that lasted for thir ty years. Following this dictatorship was the Mexican Revolution. Being born during the Mexican Revolution, which lasted from 1910 to 1920, was already the start of Rulfo’s complicated life. Juan Rulfo was born May 16, 1918 in Apulco, Jalisco, Mexico, â€Å"a small village, an agglomeration that belongs to the district of Sayula† once stated Rulfo (Leal, 4). In 1925 Rulfo’s father was assassinated. Shortly following this misfortune and the end of the Mexican Revolution was the Cristero War of 1926 to 1929.

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